Dofollow Link
A dofollow link (or followed link) is the default state of an HTML hyperlink that passes SEO value, authority, and ranking power from one page to another. Unlike nofollow links, dofollow links contribute to the target page's search engine rankings and are essential for effective link building strategies.
1. Basic HTML Links
<!-- Default Dofollow Links -->
<a href="">Example Link</a>
<a href="/about-us">About Us</a>
<a href="">Partner Site</a>
<!-- Explicitly Marked Dofollow (unnecessary but valid) -->
<a href="" rel="follow">Example Link</a>
<!-- Multiple Relationship Attributes -->
<a href="" rel="follow author">Author Profile</a>
2. Dynamic Link Generation
// PHP Link Builder
class LinkBuilder {
public function createLink($url, $text, $attributes = []) {
$rel = isset($attributes['rel']) ? $attributes['rel'] : '';
$class = isset($attributes['class']) ? $attributes['class'] : '';
// Build attributes string
$attrString = '';
if ($class) {
$attrString .= ' class="' . htmlspecialchars($class) . '"';
if ($rel) {
$attrString .= ' rel="' . htmlspecialchars($rel) . '"';
return sprintf(
'<a href="%s"%s>%s</a>',
// Usage
$builder = new LinkBuilder();
$link = $builder->createLink(
'Example Link',
['class' => 'external-link']
SEO Impact
1. Link Value Assessment
// Link Value Calculator
class LinkValueAnalyzer {
constructor() {
this.metrics = {
pageAuthority: 0,
relevance: 0,
placement: 0,
contextual: 0
assessLinkValue(link) {
return {
authority: this.calculateAuthority(link),
relevance: this.calculateRelevance(link),
trust: this.calculateTrustFlow(link),
placement: this.assessPlacement(link)
calculateAuthority(link) {
// Authority calculation logic
const metrics = {
domainAuthority: link.domainAuthority,
pageAuthority: link.pageAuthority,
topicalRelevance: link.topicalRelevance
return this.weightedScore(metrics);
2. Link Monitoring
# Link Monitor Implementation
class LinkMonitor:
def __init__(self):
self.link_database = {}
def track_link(self, source_url, target_url):
link_data = {
'status': 'active',
'metrics': self.gather_metrics(source_url, target_url)
self.link_database[f"{source_url}:{target_url}"] = link_data
def gather_metrics(self, source_url, target_url):
return {
'anchor_text': self.extract_anchor_text(source_url, target_url),
'placement': self.analyze_placement(source_url, target_url),
'surrounding_content': self.analyze_context(source_url, target_url)
Best Practices
1. Implementation Guidelines
<!-- Natural Link Placement -->
<p>Learn more about web development in our
<a href="/web-dev-guide">comprehensive guide</a>
for beginners.</p>
<!-- Contextual Links -->
<p>Our <a href="/seo-services">SEO optimization services</a>
help improve your website's visibility.</p>
<!-- Resource Links -->
<div class="resources">
<h3>Additional Resources</h3>
<li><a href="/tutorials">Tutorials</a></li>
<li><a href="/case-studies">Case Studies</a></li>
<li><a href="/research">Research Papers</a></li>
2. Link Distribution
// Link Distribution Analyzer
class LinkDistributionAnalyzer {
analyzeDistribution(page) {
const distribution = {
internal: {
navigation: 0,
content: 0,
footer: 0
external: {
content: 0,
resources: 0,
citations: 0
// Analyze link placement and type
page.querySelectorAll('a').forEach(link => {
const type = this.getLinkType(link);
const placement = this.getLinkPlacement(link);
return {
recommendations: this.generateRecommendations(distribution)
Link Management
1. Link Audit System
# Link Audit Implementation
class LinkAuditor:
def audit_links(self, page_url):
audit_results = {
'total_links': 0,
'dofollow_links': 0,
'external_links': 0,
'internal_links': 0,
'broken_links': 0,
'recommendations': []
links = self.extract_links(page_url)
for link in links:
audit_results['total_links'] += 1
if self.is_dofollow(link):
audit_results['dofollow_links'] += 1
if self.is_external(link):
audit_results['external_links'] += 1
audit_results['internal_links'] += 1
if not self.is_valid(link):
audit_results['broken_links'] += 1
audit_results['recommendations'] = self.generate_recommendations(audit_results)
return audit_results
2. Link Quality Control
// Link Quality Controller
class LinkQualityController {
constructor() {
this.qualityThresholds = {
minDomainAuthority: 30,
minRelevanceScore: 0.7,
maxExternalLinks: 100,
maxInternalLinks: 150
assessLinkQuality(link) {
const quality = {
authority: this.checkAuthority(link),
relevance: this.checkRelevance(link),
placement: this.checkPlacement(link),
context: this.checkContext(link)
return {
score: this.calculateQualityScore(quality),
issues: this.identifyIssues(quality),
recommendations: this.makeRecommendations(quality)
Performance Monitoring
1. Link Value Tracking
// Link Performance Tracker
class LinkPerformanceTracker {
constructor() {
this.metrics = {
clicks: new Map(),
conversions: new Map(),
rankings: new Map()
trackMetrics(link) {
return {
clickThrough: this.trackClicks(link),
conversionRate: this.trackConversions(link),
rankingImpact: this.assessRankingImpact(link)
generateReport(link) {
const metrics = this.trackMetrics(link);
return {
performance: this.analyzePerformance(metrics),
trends: this.analyzeTrends(metrics),
recommendations: this.generateRecommendations(metrics)
Remember that dofollow links are a fundamental part of SEO and should be implemented thoughtfully as part of a broader link building strategy. Focus on creating high-quality, relevant links that provide value to users while naturally passing SEO authority.